OS X Mountain Lion: Developer Preview 3 veröffentlicht
kg, den 19. April 2012
Etwa einen Monat nach Veröffentlichung der OS X Mountain Lion Developer Preview 2 steht nun Preview 3 zum Download bereit. Große Neuerungen wurden bisher nicht entdeckt, Apple listet eine ganze Reihe unterschiedlicher Fehler, die die Testversion noch hat.
Developer Preview 3 von OS X Mountain Lion trägt die Buildnummer 12A178q.
Gelistet werden folgende Fehler:
- On systems with FileVault enabled, canceling the restart to the Mountain Lion Developer Preview 3 Installer may leave your system unable to present a password dialog at boot time. You can repair the problem by holding down command-R to boot to the Recovery OS and then using Disk Utility to unlock and Repair your volume.
- Installing OS X 10.8 over 10.7.2 or earlier with FileVault turned on may fail
- Pre-Lion FileVault user accounts are not supported in this Developer Preview
- Some Apple menu items such as Restart may not work when a sandboxed app is in the foreground
- iTunes no longer syncs Notes
- Mail’s photo browser cannot access the iPhoto library
- Back to My Mac doesn’t work for the first 5 minutes after rebooting
- DVD Player may not launch after inserting a DVD on some systems
- Most help topics are unavailable in this Developer Preview
- In the Recovery HD:
– Some icons may be missing
– Network Utility’s Lookup pane does not work
– Time Machine restoration via a AFP share does not work
– Restoring from a Time Machine backup via AFP does not work - Migration from a Time Machine backup that excludes paths such as /System may yield an unusable system
- Brightness settings may change unexpectedly after reboot
- Display brightness may be dim after sleep or reboot
- If Mail is hidden at logout time, it may not be correctly relaunched during a subsequent login but will appear to be running
- Java applets may not work in Safari
- QuickTime screen recordings may produce corrupted videos or cause an exception when run on machines with NVDIA graphics
Der offfizielle Release von OS X Mountain Lion ist für den Spätsommer vorgesehen, unter anderem soll das Betriebssystem eine noch engere Verknüpfung zu iCloud sowie einigen aktuellen iOS-Features bekommen.